The Anna Maria Island Sun Newspaper

Vol. 15 No. 28 - May 6, 2015

reel time

Tarpon season is here

Reel time

rusty chinnis | sun

Nothing is quite as explosive as an aggressive tarpon strike.


It’s been called the apex of angling, and if you've experienced the thrill of tarpon fishing, you’ll know why. Tarpon season is off to a fairly early start this year with area anglers seeing schools of tarpon, a phenomena that usually happens from late May to June. If you’re new to tarpon fishing, the best way to experience this angling adventure is to engage the services of a local guide. You don't have to hire a captain to catch a tarpon, but a guided trip will be the best investment you've ever made if you’re new to the sport.

Hooking a tarpon isn’t necessarily difficult, but landing one is another story. You need to be aware that you’ll be tossing bait, lures or flies to one of the most powerful gamefish that swims coastal waters. Not being prepared or aware of what you're doing can even be dangerous to you and the tarpon.

The first thing you need to be aware of is matching your tackle to the task. Unless you plan on just getting a few jumps and letting them get away, you'll need a minimum of 20-pound test tackle, with 30-pound being even better. While many anglers seem convinced that you need live bait for any degree of success, the truth is tarpon will readily take a well presented artificial lure or fly.

If you’re fishing with conventional tackle, start with a quality 30-pound spinning outfit spooled to capacity with 20- to 30- pound line. Double the standing line using a Spider Hitch or a Bimini Twist and tie on a two-foot section of 70- or 80-pound fluorocarbon leader. If you just want to see a few jumps and not fight them to the boat, downsize your bite tippet to 50-pound. A favorite lure of local guide Rick Grassett is a DOA red and white Baitbuster (deep runner trolling model). Another favorite is the 1/2 ounce DOA Nite Glow Shrimp. The hook that comes with the shrimp doesn't leave a very big gap, so try replacing it with an Owner Aki 3/0 or 4/0. If you have a favorite lure, use it because the most important choice when it comes to any lure is your confidence in it. Tarpon aren’t generally picky as long as a lure or fly is presented correctly and they're in the mood to feed. One caveat, the hook must be sharp and stout.

If you’re fly fishing an 11- or 12-weight outfit is standard. Just like conventional tackle, if you’re not interested in getting fish to the boat, downsize your bite tippet. Of course, a sharp hook is always a must. The first part of the fight is usually the best, and I once hooked two fish in a 20-minute span because I was using 50-pound bite tippet.

Once you're rigged and ready you need to find the fish. On any given day, you'll see boats that are hunting tarpon cruising up and down the beach. Some hardly ever stop. When fly fishing, I like to find an area where tarpon travel, like the edge of a bar, and just wait for them to come to me. It's OK to move around a bit, but anglers that have patience invariably do better than those who can't sit still. When the water is clear and the sun is out, tarpon are easy to spot. On cloudy days you have to look for fish coming to the surface for a breath of air.

Tarpon are occasionally hooked by anglers that do everything wrong, but that’s the exception and not the rule. When you spot schools of moving fish, get well ahead of them, establish their track and cut your outboard at least 50 yards ahead. If you’re casting a lure or a fly, the presentation has to be nearly perfect, moving away from or across their path. Another important factor is getting the presentation down to the tarpon’s level. They will seldom go even a foot or two out of their way to take bait or lure.

Hooking a tarpon is a feat in itself, as they have incredibly hard mouths. You have to have very sharp hooks. When you hook a tarpon, fight it with maximum pressure from the hook set until you have it at the boat. Beginners lose fish by not applying enough pressure, hoping that it will keep them from breaking off. Experience will teach you that the longer you fight a tarpon, the better chance you have of losing it .

When you go tarpon fishing, it is OK to pay attention to other more experienced anglers, but never disturb a boat that’s stalking a school. Often they’ve spent a considerable amount of time getting in just the right position. The last thing you want to do is spook the school. Circle wide of other anglers and go farther down the beach and line up for a turn. It’s rude and ruins the fishing for everyone when you run up on a school of fish after anglers are in position to intercept them. Tarpon fishing should be fun and not a shouting match. If someone ruins your fishin, try explaining the rules to them. In most cases, they don’t even know what they’re doing.

Tarpon are one of the sport’s greatest challenges and a test of your angling mettle. Now is the time to try your hand, either on your own or with a guide. Get a recommendation or look for an ad on a nearby page. And don’t forget to show a little respect to other anglers. Tarpon fishing should be fun for everyone.

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