Mortgage rates on the move

Residential mortgage rates barely budged in June, leveling off at the 6.5% mark the last week of May. Just when buyers were starting to...

The value of a renovated home

Most homebuyers today want to buy a home, but very few want to buy a project. Nice work if you can get it, but...

Is having two homes too much?

This column is all about being careful what you wish for. Some people love their childhood home and long for the day they will...

100 years of paradise

Anna Maria is celebrating 100 years of providing exquisite beaches and aqua water to beachgoers and visitors. The celebration started on Memorial Day and...

Timing is everything

In life, sometimes it’s just luck that makes the life-changing decisions we make look genius. In real estate, the importance of the old adage,...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email