Where to bike on the Island

Anna Maria In Anna Maria, the city’s bicycle paths are a mix of multi-use paths, shared with pedestrians, and unmarked sharrow roads. The path journeys north...

Commission split over city manager

HOLMES BEACH — Commissioners are on both sides of the fence over whether or not to hire a city manager. During a May 23 work...

Erosion lands Egmont Key on preservation list

A local historical landmark has landed Egmont Key on the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation’s 2017 “Florida’s 11 to Save” list. The small island located...

UPS Store likely a no-go in Holmes Beach

HOLMES BEACH — Despite the rumors swirling across the Island, a UPS Store is unlikely to open in Holmes Beach any time soon. The issue...

JD White walking, pedaling to goals

HOLMES BEACH — One of Anna Maria Island’s most recognizable personalities needs your help to keep walking toward his goals. JD White, a Holmes Beach...

Kristin Swain

Sun staff writer/photographer Kristin Swain covers Holmes Beach, events listings and the West Manatee Fire Rescue district and is The Sun's Digital Editor. Email