The Anna Maria Island Sun Newspaper

Vol. 15 No. 9 - December 24, 2014

reel time

The importance of being prepared

Reel time


You don’t want to miss the fish of a lifetime
because you forgot some basic maintenance.

We work long and hard to get the chance for a a day on the water fishing. All too often those days are far apart, and in our haste, we just grab our gear, put it on the boat and head for the water. All too often we forget to check some of the most basic things that make the difference when we do manage to hook a quality fish.

It’s a good idea to have a check list to follow before you ever make the first cast. These are the major reasons we lose fish, and with a little due diligence, it can be easily avoided.

A sharp hook is obviously one of the most important components of an effective rig. It’s also one of the easiest things to forget to check. A hook can be razor sharp the last time you used it and can become dulled with contact to the rub rail of the boat, objects in the water, guides and many other things. Test it every time you step to the bow and you’ll have a better chance at catching that fish you searched long and hard for. I like to check the hook on my finger nail. If I put it there and it doesn’t slip I know its sharp enough. Still it’s a good idea to have a hook sharpener at hand and touch up the point several times during your outing.

Knots are probably the second leading reason fish are lost. Even the best tied knot will break if it’s not tightened well. You may tie perfect knots, but there’s a chance they could loosen between trips. Always make sure you moisten knots before tightening them, and draw them up very tight. The first place a leader will break is at a knot when it slips.

Checking the drag is, of course, one of the most important things you can do. I would suggest having the drag set so you don’t have to touch it while fighting a fish. Make sure your drag is smooth. You’ll know if it needs attention if there’s any jerking motion when line leaves the spool.

Checking leader and line for nicks and abrasion is another must. It’s easy to cut off a small section of leader and re-tie than to lose a good fish to an imperfect line. Fly anglers can take an extra step by always stretching their fly line. Fly line has memory and will come off the spool in small loops that can tangle easily, causing you to break off a fish. Strip off the line you’ll be casting, make a cast and gently stretch it as you retrieve it.

Each time you step to the bow make sure your knots are tight, the drag is properly set, hooks are sharp, leaders are abrasion free and fly line is stretched. You’ll find it will make a big difference at the end of your fishing day. On the days you get many chances you don’t want to end up with pulled hooks or a break off because you didn’t check your drag or leader.

While you’ll always lose fish even when everything is right, you’ll definitely have a better chance if you develop and follow a simple check list. Sharp hook, smooth leader, properly set drags, stretched line and tight properly secured knots.

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