I am writing to express my appreciation for this year’s Climate Champions Award nominees.
On Feb. 15, The Climate Adaptation Center (CAC) will honor five amazing individuals who have made contributions to putting the CAC’s best science information into use. They are on the front line of Climate Adaptation! As such, we are celebrating their contributions not only to honor them but also to inspire our community.
The Second Annual Climate Champions Awards luncheon will be held at Michael’s on East ballroom on Thursday, Feb. 15 with check-in at 11 a.m. and program from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. This joyous program honors those who are helping our community speed climate adaptation actions to help lower the risk from climate-induced disruptions like sea level rise, flooding and more frequent and intense hurricanes, just to name a few.
While the impacts of a warming climate can be difficult, we must celebrate and inspire. I encourage the community to come and honor our 2024 Climate Champions Nominees for the prestigious Beacon Award. Nominees include Jennifer Rominiecki – Marie Selby Botanical Gardens; Dr. David Tomasko – Sarasota Bay Estuary Program; Jessica Meszaros and Steve Newborn – WUSF Public Media; and Marshall Gobuty – Pearl Homes, Cortez.
We are so proud of them!
For more information and tickets visit www.theclimateadaptationcenter.org.
Bob Bunting