The fastest way to kill a sale

Your beautiful, perfectly updated and decorated Island house is on the market. You have a pool, it's within walking distance to the beach and...

Property values, taxes always hot topics

Summer cocktail parties are one of the staples of the nice warm summer months, sometimes too warm. But whether you’re on the beach, on...

Where have all the houses gone?

For a very long time now, those involved in the real estate market have been moaning about the lack of inventory. There are buyers...

Preparing your home for sale

William Morris was an English textile designer who was part of the Arts and Crafts movement in the late 1800s. One of his famous...

Mortgages ain’t what they used to be

The end of the super low mortgage interest rates has just about arrived. From a low of 3.31 percent for a fixed rate, conventional...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email