Negotiating is coming back

Once upon a time, there was a great tradition in real estate where sellers listed their homes, buyers made an offer and eventually, both...

What is a condominium?

Condos are all over Florida, representing every imaginable price range. People live in them full-time, part-time or invest in them. They’re a very flexible...

Speaking of spooky, look at those population numbers

Halloween is next week, so as you’re decorating your home with spooky and creepy stuff from the Dollar Store, think about the spine-chilling increase...

Get insurance if you can

Even though our area has so far been spared a major hurricane hit this year, the threat is always there, as is the threat...

Homes are shrinking, but not on AMI

Well, here we go with another everything old is new again story. This time it’s about the size of the average American home. The homes...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email